RKare frailty and disbility adapted products
RKare products are designed for those who have limited hand strength and movement or mild shaking and tremors. Cups and mugs are produced with a double handle to provide additional grip. Each plate is designed with a high lip to help keep food on the plate. The intention is to provide a discreet aid to individuals who may be suffering from a mild frailty or disability, but who still wish to drink and dine from otherwise traditional Fine Bone China tableware.

- Agapanthus Collection
- Alliums Collection
- Alpine Strawberry Collection
- Animal Fashion Collection
- Bees with Lavender Collection
- Berni Parker Collection
- Birds Collection
- Birdsong Collection
- Blenheim Palace Grand Cabinet Collection
- Blenheim Palace Indian Room Collection
- Blue Chintz Collection
- Butterfly Garden Collection
- Cat Collection
- Cats - Lesley Anne Ivory Collection
- Cats Collection
- Cats Galore Collection
- Cherry Collection
- Childrens Collection
- Classic Collection
- Concert Collection
- Countryside Collection
- David Austin Roses Collection
- Days Past
- Dog Collection
- Dogs
- Dogs Galore
- English Meadow Collection
- English Rose Collection
- Garden Birds
- Hedgehog
- Highgrove Royal Gardens
- Horses
- Hummingbird Collection
- In The Garden
- Iris
- Kingfisher Glory
- My Horse
- Owls
- Palace Garden Collection
- Pansies
- Pastimes
- Please Shut The Gate
- Poppy
- Redoute Rose Collection
- RKare frailty and disbility adapted products
- Robin Collection
- RSPB Robins in the Snow
- Sweet Meadow
- Sweet Pea
- Versailles Collection
- Vintage Rose Collection
- Wedding Day Collection
- Wisteria